The Springfield creates a nostalgic ambience of elegance, privacy . . . and turn-of-the century beauty as richly American as popcorn, lemonade, and Fourth of July firecrackers. But, the beauty doesn’t end there . . . like all Country Estate PVC fence products, you’ll never spend a single hour painting it. It is impervious to weather and it won’t rot, peel, or blister. Just enjoy, year after year after year.
Country Estate Springfield adapts well to sloping terrain: note “steps”on bottom of fence sections. Note: “Standard” Springfield gates are scalloped up, unless specified.(Gothic caps optional)
- Standard Height Options: 48″, 60″, or 72″
- Post Spacing Options: 8′ center-to-center
- Post Dimensions: 48″ High Fence = 5″ x 5″ x 72″ 60″ High Fence = 5″ x 5″ x 96″ 72″ High Fence = 5″ x 5″ x 108″
- Standard Post Depth: 48″ High Fence = 24″ Post Depth 60″ High Fence = 36″ Post Depth 72″ High Fence = 36″ Post Depth
- Horizontal Dimensions: 1 1/2″ x 5 1/2″
- Picket Spacing/Picket Dem.: 2″ / 7/8″ x 3″
- Ground Clearance: 2″